Level 2
Inch Worm - Weight Control - 4 bowls each
Divide the group into teams of 3-4 bowlers. First bowler of each team rolls their bowl to a predetermined length down the rink. The second bowler tries to roll a bowl just past the first bowl - within a mat length. The next bowler attempts to roll their bowl to within a mat length past the second bowl. Only bowls that roll short or too long of the target bowl are removed from play by the coach/monitor. Bowlers continue in this format until all bowls are used OR they have reached a predetermined end distance.
Line-em Up - Weight Control - Two Players - 4 bowls each
Set up 6 bowls along the centerline of the rink, evenly spaced out from the hog line to 2 meters from the Ditch. The coach or monitor places two Jacks - one on each side of the bowl closest to the players and stands by. Each player has two bowls. Determine who goes first. The first player chooses to bowl either to the left or right side and the second bowler must bowl on the other side. All bowls must be bowled on the same side. If a bowl comes to rest within one mat length of the target bowl, that player’s Jack is moved back to the next target bowl. Bowls are removed when bowled and returned when all 4 are rolled. The player that reaches the last bowl first, wins the game. The game can be repeated but the players must switch the sides just rolled.
Gaps - Line Control - Two Players - 4 bowls each
Set 4 bowls perpendicular to the rink about 4 feet in front of the Jack, spaced evenly across the rink but not so far left or right that a bowl can not get reasonably close to the Jack. Each player rolls a bowl in turn around the first bowl on the right - closest to the Jack scores a point. The player that scored then bowls first through the first gap - closest to the Jack scores a point. If a player hits a bowl, that player deducts a point and the bowl is reset in place and play continues. If a bowl is short of the gap, the player deducts a point and the bowl is removed. Continue until all players have tried bowling around that bowl. Move to the next bowl on the left and continue the game. Closest to the Jack in all instances scores a point. Reset the Jack if it gets moved.
Back-of-the-Queue - Any number of Players - 2 bowls each - Uses 6 rinks
On rink 1 set the mat 4 paces from the Ditch; all other mats are set 2 paces from the Ditch. Set a Jack on each rink 2 paces from the Ditch in line with the mat in the opposite Head. Spread players equally across the different mats and have them line up behind the mats - this is their “starting mat”. As soon as one bowl stops between the target and the Ditch, the player moves to the next mat to the left. If neither bowl falls in the target area, the player goes to the end of the queue for that same mat to try again. Continue progressing through the ‘course’ until all players have had a chance to try all mats or a time limit has been reached.
Players will use 4 bowls, and will keep their own score. For the first end, playing position is determined by a spun golf tee or coin toss (or by general agreement as this is a fun game). First to play will deliver the jack with the last player to center the jack; other players bowl in order.
All players wait until all bowls have been delivered before moving to the other end for return play. Points are determined according to the four closest bowls; a scoring towel is handy for this.
The player with the most points bowls first in the return direction, followed by the others according to the points earned. Lowest score goes to the other end to center the jack and then returns to play in order. In the case of a tie, the lowest scoring players determine who centers the jack. Player with the second least points rakes the bowls.
Where more than one rink is being played, after 4 ends have been completed, the top scorer will move to the next rink (i.e from rink 3 to rink 4). He/she delivers the jack for that rink and bowls first. If there is a tie, the player closest to the Jack in the 4 end moves on.
How to score: The bowl closest to the Jack will count 4 points - next closest will count 3 points - next closest 2 points and the fourth closest will count 1 point. A total aggregate of 10 points is scored for each end. Each 4 end total should be 40 points. If there are 4 players, each player uses 3 bowls only. Scoring is the same, 4+3+2+1=10.
Inch Worm - Weight Control - 4 bowls each
Divide the group into teams of 3-4 bowlers. First bowler of each team rolls their bowl to a predetermined length down the rink. The second bowler tries to roll a bowl just past the first bowl - within a mat length. The next bowler attempts to roll their bowl to within a mat length past the second bowl. Only bowls that roll short or too long of the target bowl are removed from play by the coach/monitor. Bowlers continue in this format until all bowls are used OR they have reached a predetermined end distance.
Line-em Up - Weight Control - Two Players - 4 bowls each
Set up 6 bowls along the centerline of the rink, evenly spaced out from the hog line to 2 meters from the Ditch. The coach or monitor places two Jacks - one on each side of the bowl closest to the players and stands by. Each player has two bowls. Determine who goes first. The first player chooses to bowl either to the left or right side and the second bowler must bowl on the other side. All bowls must be bowled on the same side. If a bowl comes to rest within one mat length of the target bowl, that player’s Jack is moved back to the next target bowl. Bowls are removed when bowled and returned when all 4 are rolled. The player that reaches the last bowl first, wins the game. The game can be repeated but the players must switch the sides just rolled.
Gaps - Line Control - Two Players - 4 bowls each
Set 4 bowls perpendicular to the rink about 4 feet in front of the Jack, spaced evenly across the rink but not so far left or right that a bowl can not get reasonably close to the Jack. Each player rolls a bowl in turn around the first bowl on the right - closest to the Jack scores a point. The player that scored then bowls first through the first gap - closest to the Jack scores a point. If a player hits a bowl, that player deducts a point and the bowl is reset in place and play continues. If a bowl is short of the gap, the player deducts a point and the bowl is removed. Continue until all players have tried bowling around that bowl. Move to the next bowl on the left and continue the game. Closest to the Jack in all instances scores a point. Reset the Jack if it gets moved.
Back-of-the-Queue - Any number of Players - 2 bowls each - Uses 6 rinks
On rink 1 set the mat 4 paces from the Ditch; all other mats are set 2 paces from the Ditch. Set a Jack on each rink 2 paces from the Ditch in line with the mat in the opposite Head. Spread players equally across the different mats and have them line up behind the mats - this is their “starting mat”. As soon as one bowl stops between the target and the Ditch, the player moves to the next mat to the left. If neither bowl falls in the target area, the player goes to the end of the queue for that same mat to try again. Continue progressing through the ‘course’ until all players have had a chance to try all mats or a time limit has been reached.
Players will use 4 bowls, and will keep their own score. For the first end, playing position is determined by a spun golf tee or coin toss (or by general agreement as this is a fun game). First to play will deliver the jack with the last player to center the jack; other players bowl in order.
All players wait until all bowls have been delivered before moving to the other end for return play. Points are determined according to the four closest bowls; a scoring towel is handy for this.
The player with the most points bowls first in the return direction, followed by the others according to the points earned. Lowest score goes to the other end to center the jack and then returns to play in order. In the case of a tie, the lowest scoring players determine who centers the jack. Player with the second least points rakes the bowls.
Where more than one rink is being played, after 4 ends have been completed, the top scorer will move to the next rink (i.e from rink 3 to rink 4). He/she delivers the jack for that rink and bowls first. If there is a tie, the player closest to the Jack in the 4 end moves on.
How to score: The bowl closest to the Jack will count 4 points - next closest will count 3 points - next closest 2 points and the fourth closest will count 1 point. A total aggregate of 10 points is scored for each end. Each 4 end total should be 40 points. If there are 4 players, each player uses 3 bowls only. Scoring is the same, 4+3+2+1=10.